Great Ideas for Lawn Design

A great lawn rarely happens by chance. It is the product of careful planning, choosing the right lawn grass, having good soil underneath, careful mowing to the right height, fertilising and of course, watering at the right times. Many Australian lawns don’t get this kind of care and it is not long before they develop bare patches which Mother Nature soon fills in with weeds – often prickly ones.

Good Reticulation Saves Water
As property sizes decrease, lawn sizes shrink with them, but that doesn’t mean you have to neglect your grass. It simply means it is easier to take care of and you will have time to play golf. Another way to have plenty of time for golf is to install an automatic watering system. The correct system for your lawn will not only transform it into a verdant carpet the kids will loving playing on; it will save water.

Modern technology has caught up with things like pumps and sensors, so you can have an automatic reticulation system hidden away under that green carpet and know that it will not automatically water your lawn even though it has recently rained.  Sensors will switch it off even if it is just about to rain.  And you can add specially shaped nozzles that will avoid watering your driveway or the neighbour’s yard.

The Importance of Mowing Techniques
Mowing techniques are important too, to keep your lawn looking good. If you allow it to get too long and then mow it short on a very hot day, there will be numerous brown patches – sunburn due to the soft stems being exposed. Sometimes this will even kill large patches of grass. On the other hand, if you mow constantly at near ground level, the grass will become weaker and soon there will be weeds growing through it.

Mowing regularly about 40mm from the ground will allow your grass to grow those leaf blades that are soft and green, yet strong enough provide a good ground cover that will keep out weeds and shade the soil. It is also important to keep the mower blades really sharp, otherwise the grass will go white in patches due to tearing damage.

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Tips for Creating the Best Garden

As you sow, so shall you reap — so sow well to reap the benefits beautifully. A home garden is a dream for many, and being given a chance to design and develop your own is a bounty in itself. In the multitude of plants and beautiful landscape, your house would look like a tiny village with lush green meadows surrounding its edges.  Careful planning and projection of different needs is an integral part of creating for yourself an amazing garden, which ensures healthy growth of plants beautifying your garden.

Make a Plan
Outline a plan on paper or different software. If you have played Farmville, you know what that looks like. According to the covered area of the garden, the sections are to be divided to each plant row and the kinds of shrubs and different organic elements are all to be sketched first. It’s easier switching to a different plan if one doesn’t work rather than doing all the hard work another time.  Keeping all aspects in mind, you can plan out the location and design for your garden, type of landscape you’d like to have, which area is dedicated to make a pathway, which one is for vegetables, and much more needs to be planned for in order to maximize effectiveness.

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Recycled Materials for Landscaping

How to Make Use of Recycled Materials for Landscaping

Landscaping, adds to the outer appeal of your house. However, a lot of people do not like making expensive investments on their house’s exterior after having spent a large sum on a new house.

Luckily, there are many options available for people who want to indulge in landscaping or green living without excessive costs. One of these methods is the use of recycled materials for landscaping without compromising on the exterior of the house. Recycling is also a way to reduce waste, so in a way, you are not only saving your money, but also reducing the waste you produce.

You can achieve a striking garden by utilizing even the simplest of recyclable material. These materials are of three different kinds, which include; salvaged items, garden refuse, and recycled content. Below are a few of the items that are recycled for landscaping purposes.

Broken Dishware
We all have broken a dish or two occasionally, and then have thrown them away no matter how beautiful they were, but now, you can use them in your recycled landscaping project. The broken pieces of dishware can be used as little decorative pieces. You can shape them in any texture you like and paint them with the color of your choice.

To create a new garden, cover it with any old carpet for some weeks and you will notice corrosion of the grass under the carpet, which will ease the digging process. You can also create lanes with the help of a woven carpet and then add stones over it.

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How to Secure the Value of your House through a Beautiful Yard

A yard is often the most undervalued part of the house, but it shouldn’t be. This is because it can make the difference between an ordinary and extraordinary home. It is the first thing that a visitor sees, and it makes an impression on them with regard to the upkeep of the interior.

Hence, spending money to make the yard look appealing will never be a waste, especially when you decide to sell your house later on. The beautiful yard will, in fact, increase the value of your residence and attract potential buyers easily.

According to a research, a garden increases the value of your house up to 20%, so it is necessary to keep your garden groomed if you want to get the right price for your home. Following are the ways you can use to beautify your house and increase its worth.

Irrigation System
Maintaining the garden and watering it every day is time consuming. In order to make the task easier and simpler, reticulation should be installed in the garden. This will help in watering the grass and plants through pipes to boost their healthy growth. The only effort you will then have to make is turning the tap on and off, and the rest of the work will be done automatically through water flowing from the pipe line. This will keep your yard looking greener than ever before.

Colourful Decorations
If you want people to notice your yard, it needs to stand out. For that purpose, add colours to the garden, not just by planting colourful flowers and different kinds of plants, but by installing and painting the fence as well. To make it look more alluring, add decorative pieces such as lanterns and other interesting objects. A lot people also invest in fountains to make their yard look amazing. Fixtures like waterfalls and fountains really boost the atmosphere of the exterior and create a positive impression on potential buyers.

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