7 Steps To Ensuring Your Kitchen Renovation Is A Success

7 Steps To Ensuring Your Kitchen Renovation Is A Success

Planning kitchen renovations is not something most people would do regularly unless they were employed as kitchen designers or cabinet makers. The fact that, on average, kitchens are only updated every 7 to 10 years suggests that most homeowners are happy to live with their current kitchen for some time, and thus the planning of a new one is a rare event in their lives.

The fact that it is rare means there is a risk that, unless a proven series of steps are followed during the process of planning a kitchen renovation, mistakes can be made. Those mistakes can lead to a kitchen that is unsuitable, unworkable, running well over budget or, worst of all, the renovation does not take place at all due to a series of irreversible mistakes along the way.

We are sure you do not want any of that to happen to you, especially if you are currently thinking about a kitchen renovation for your home. It is, therefore, we hope, going to be helpful if you start with a proven roadmap to get you from the initial idea to a completed kitchen, and it just so happens that what follows is such a roadmap with seven critical steps to a successful kitchen renovation.

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8 Tips for Economically Renovated Kitchens

Hiring a professional for kitchen renovation typically leads to one having to stretch their budget, but did the kitchen need a new look at all in the first place?

Kitchens do not need to be broken down into pieces to form a new one when you’re not investing that much capital in them. Going economical asks for ideas to renovate the most important part of the house with relative ease.  Be your own designer of your kitchen renovation and revamp the look of your kitchen to give it a boost of energy and you more enthusiasm to chop on.

1. Clean it All
You don’t need a kitchen designer to do that anyway. Grab the right tools and start sweeping the floor and cleaning the entire kitchen, the first and foremost step in kitchen renovation.  It requires only a few tools and surface cleaners to give a fresh look to your kitchen. Dust off the ceiling fans and exhaust fan, remove grease if any. Cabinet interior and exterior could be wiped for a clean look inside out. Scrubbing floors and hidden corners makes your kitchen shine out in the end combined with other efforts. It’s better to dismantle light fixtures and give them a fresh look if they’re intact and there isn’t a dire need to change them.

2. Paint Around
Play with colors in your kitchen. If the walls need a fresh coat of paint and the cabinets are just shabby looking from outside, they could be renovated with a fresh paint and some bright colors to light up the place. The colors should be in contrast with the woodwork and the size of kitchen with other considerations.

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Kitchen Design

Why the Kitchen Is The Best Room In The House

Which is your favourite room? Many people would think that the home theatre, living room or bedroom is their favourite room in the house, but in actual fact the kitchen should get a spot up there on the favourite list.  When you think of it, without a kitchen, a home is really not a home at all. This is because we need food and if we have to go out and get it all the time we won’t be home very often.

The kitchen provides food for the family, but it does even more than that. Food sustains us, but it also brings the family unit together for something that is essential but also pleasurable. Most people like eating especially when they are hungry, but when food is cooking in the kitchen the tantalising aromas draw the whole family together in anticipation.

With the help of expert cabinet makers, the fully functioning kitchen that is designed well, the kitchen springs nourishing food to keep the family healthy, birthday cakes that may be unhealthy but are still an integral part of family life and our culture, food and drinks for snacks and so on. All these things are an essential part of life and our lifestyle, and encourage families to get together for social interaction.  When Mum – or Dad – is in the kitchen cooking, the rest of the family know where to find them and often join them to talk about matters that trouble them, or get help with homework and talk about their day in general.

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Dream Kitchen with Spacious Cabinets

Planning to splurge on a wonderfully glamorous kitchen? Why not go for cabinets even bigger in size? The total kitchen space available is the first and fundamental aspect to keep in consideration. Adding style and lighting up the most important area of the house is easy with conventional techniques, but cabinets bigger than usual could be considered for many reasons too. They could keep all your stuff sorted and give an air of neatness especially in houses with young kids. Spacious cabinets come with various benefits, such as:

More Room for Crockery and Utensils
Naturally, the more spacious the cabinets are, the more there is room for crockery and cooking utensils. With more storage space, you’ll be able to organize the kitchen equipment and everything else in this particular area of the house better. Snacks and other edible items can also be stored in kitchen cabinets along with cooking items. You could even completely skip the food pantry if you have big airy cabinets in your kitchen providing enough room for food items’ storage.

Tidy Space
A tidied space is what a neat freak dreams of, or anyone, actually. If the kitchen cabinets are spacious, they naturally have more room for storage, and that leaves the counter-tops tidy most of the time. These spacious cabinets can also be used for keeping dustbins in one of them and cleaning solutions under the sink; no more having to have these items on display.

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Modern or Traditional Kitchen

Your kitchen style says a lot about your own. Kitchen is the most important and sought after area of the house, few would argue against that. Whether you’re a foodie or on crash diets, the kitchen is a family space for all. With the strong aroma of delicious food and airy windows for sunlight while you read the morning paper, this area of the house defines the entire ambience of the house and the style speaks volumes about that of the residents. There are several factors to be kept in consideration while planning to go for either of the options, such as:

  • The personal taste has a lot to do with the style of kitchen one would choose. Some may want a comfortable granny like look while some may go for bright hues and sharp edgy style.
  • An approximation of the period one expects to live in the same property plays a vital role in selecting kitchen styles as well.
  • The budget is another key factor when looking for kitchen design ideas and selection is done accordingly.
  • The dominant style of the house has to be matched with the kitchen style, and if the other interiors are already in line with that style, the kitchen needs to be adjusted according to the overall aura.

Research and exploration is done before deciding on the interior style to choose from, but generally, the decision centers on personal preferences and ideas.

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