4 Different Types of Home Fencing

Fencing is an important part of any home, not only to keep people out, but to keep them safely in, especially children – and pets. It serves to define the space that is yours and can add a great deal to the look of your home when the right kind is chosen.

There are many different kinds of fences that can be used, but before you make a decision, it is wise to find out just what your council will allow as there may be restrictions in some areas.

Here are 4 different kinds of fencing, along with the pros and cons of each.

  • Steel or Colorbond fencing. This is the choice of many homeowners these days because it offers privacy. This is especially so where homes are close together; you don’t want everything you do and say to be open to the neighbours.  It offers the best privacy – but  at the cost of a view. It can be a good windbreak for delicate flowers in the garden and also creates a small amount of shade; important in hot areas. Colorbond comes in several different colours and does not need to be painted. It is durable and strong and may even keep your dog from barking at the neighbour.

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