Should I Invest in Security Doors or Home Alarm – or Both?

In a day when security is essential for the home you may be wondering what kind will give you the peace of mind you need. Many people have more than one type of security, so should you have both security doors and a home alarm installed by an alarm company or a simple solution installed by a handyman or just one? If so, which one?

To decide, you need to think like a burglar. Suppose you were on the point of robbing a home. What would put you off more; a door that was difficult to get open or a shrieking alarm?

Burglars have more than one entry point to a home. If they cannot get in the door, they are likely to try the window. They may even smash down the wall with a stolen vehicle. But once that alarm goes off – an alarm that everyone can hear, they would be out of there as fast as they could go. Even if the alarm system was only heard by the police or security company, the burglar would realise that someone would soon be coming to check up on the property. Or that the people inside would quickly be aroused from sleep.

However, some homes are robbed or vandalised by the opportunistic thief. This is a person who robs on impulse as the opportunity arrives.  They may knock on a door and if they find no answer proceed to break and enter. But if the doors are the premium security type they will go away disappointed because they feel going through window is too difficult or too visible. Of course, if an alarm blared out as they smashed their way in they would run, too.

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