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How to Take the Heavy Work Out of Landscaping

There is no question about it; landscaping is hard work. Not only is there a great deal of digging to do when you first start to put in those new garden beds, but the upkeep requires constant attention. However, it is getting everything started that is the hardest, especially if you have to flatten areas of ground or install plants that are fully grown. However, you don’t have to have mighty muscles to be a landscaper if you hire equipment to do all that heavy lifting and digging. You can simply use the machine to do all the heavy work and it will be done faster and more professionally than you could ever do it by hand.

Hire a Dingo

Dingos are highly manoeuvrable small machines that are ideal for many applications because of the variety of attachments that are available. If you need to dig trenches, dig a hole for a full sized palm tree or simply move loads of earth from one place to another, the dingo is the machine for you. They are also good for working on construction sites or in areas that are considered dangerous. Some types can even be operated remotely, meaning you don’t have to get close to any source of danger.

Their manoeuvrability means that they can work in areas or situations that other larger or less manoeuvrable machines could not. If you need a hole dug or some soil moved in a suburban property the dingo is the machine for the job. They can usually fit into and work in smaller spaces.

Bobcat Hire

The bobcat is the next in size to the dingo and is different in that it operates with tracks rather than wheels. This has the advantage of spreading the weight out over a larger area of ground so there is less damage, an advantage in many landscaping situations. And if the ground is very wet, they are not so likely to get bogged.

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