The balcony is a place where you can sit and relax after a hard day’s work. Having a few plants growing in pots on the balcony will enhance the look of the space and increase your enjoyment of it. However, it is essential to take note of just what the weather conditions are like.
High balconies are often cool, windy places; others may be exposed to hot sun all day long, while still others may be on the shady side of the building and not get much sun at all. Then there are those that have shade for most of the day, but when in sun it is scorching hot. If your balcony is like that, choose shade-lovers and use a screen to shelter them from the sun.
Most plants need a certain amount of sun to grow successfully, but if you have a shady balcony you can still grow shade-loving plants such as ferns. To get colour, use plants that have colourful foliage like coleus and begonia. So what plants are hardy enough to withstand the vagaries of wind and weather on a balcony?