Even in the last decade the popularity of Colorbond roofing has increased by a large margin. There are various reasons for this.
- Put simply – it looks good. The clean, elegant lines enhance just about any housing style you could think of from old-fashioned country homes to the most modern urban development.
- You can get it curved so those that want this particular style for the veranda are happy.
- There are many colours to choose from and many of them blend in with the Australian environment. Various shades of greys, browns, green and creams are taken from different aspects of the Aussie landscape such as eucalypts, mangrove swamps, sand dunes, coastal coves, outback deserts, and even some wildlife colours are used to create a palette of colours to delight everyone.
- Because there are so many colours it is easy to choose one that will match in with the rest of your home. You can even add a feature wall or fence to match, creating a cohesive look to the whole property.
- Colorbond roofing is a strong and sturdy material that has been developed especially for Australian conditions, so people know they are getting a product they can trust.
- Many people are also happy to support an Australian company by purchasing their products.
- It has thermal properties that help to reduce the costs of heating and cooling a home over its lifetime.
- It is ideal for bushfire prone areas as it is fire resistant and provides few niches for live embers to get stuck in. Rather, they blow off or go out before they can set fire to your home.
- It is low maintenance, so you spend less over the lifetime of the product.
- It subtly reflects our heritage. In days gone by, nearly all the roofs and often the walls of homes were made from corrugated iron. While this is not that same product, it often looks similar, so we are reminded of the ‘good old days’ often without even being aware of it.
- It is competitively priced, so is ideal for people on a budget. At the same time, it is eminently suited to higher-end homes as it doesn’t have that ‘el cheapo’ look.
- It is recyclable, so at the end of its life as a roof, anyone with green tendencies can feel great about not causing waste to build up in the environment.
So if you are building a home or have to replace your roof, you may want to consider using Colorbond roofing. It can be cut to fit and with longer lengths available if necessary it is installed quickly. Why not drive around your district and see how many homes have this type of roof?